I needed to move our entire site from /httpdocs to /httpdocs/joomla and now having done so, the Simple Image Gallery plugin will not display anything. I am using images/stories in the "Root folder for image galleries" field, but now that we have moved the site to a subdirectory, the images won't display. They were working just fine prior to moving the entire site to the subdirectory. Also, in the Global Configuration, under "Media Settings", I have the "path to images folder" listed as images/stories. I have a directory called "charts" located at /httpdocs/joomla/images/stories/. I have the
The tag I am using on the page in question, is {gallery}charts{/gallery}. The page in question does NOT show an error message, but just no images. This is the same case with all other tags on other pages that point to their respective directory name. I think it's a permissions issue, but I have the /cache directory as 777 permissions, as have the SAFE MODE turned OFF. The GC Library is installed globally. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.