Hello JoomlaWorks Team!
I've searched the forum and I did find something similar, however the solution did not help me also the thread was from 2009 so I thought opening up a new one was best.
(the thread I found would be this one:
As the subject says some of the don't work correctly in IE8:
- When clicking on a thumbnail the big picture opens in a new window.
- This happens in IE8 in normal mode as well as in compatibility mode.
- It was tested on three different computers with the same result.
- I have tried deinstalling and reinstalling Simple Image Gallery Pro but the error remained.
The popup engines that seem to be affected (as far as I'm able to tell) are the once that work with Mootools:
- MultiBox
- SlimBox
- GrayBox
- SimpleBox
I also have the zoominfo module installed on the page but it works with jQuery so I don't believe there is a conflict there.
Here is a link to the page:
For now I have it switched to the FancyBox engine as the page is live but I can switch to one of the faulty once whenever you have the time to take a look.
Best regards,