Hi there!
well, lets try this.
at the file
plugin_jw_sig.php go to the line
chenge the code
$images[] = array('filename' => $f);
$images[] = array('filename' => $f, 'filemtime' => filemtime($mosConfig_absolute_path.$rootfolder.$_images_dir_."/".$f));
after that, add the next code after the
if block of the opendir
foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
$filemtime[$key] = $value['filemtime'];
array_multisort($filemtime, SORT_DESC, $images);
Try it and come back to tell me if work for you!
At my tests on my pc work! ;)
The Code
// read directory
if ($dh = opendir($mosConfig_absolute_path.$rootfolder.$_images_dir_)) {
while (($f = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if((substr(strtolower($f),-3) == 'jpg') || (substr(strtolower($f),-3) == 'gif') || (substr(strtolower($f),-3) == 'png')) {
$images[] = array('filename' => $f, 'filemtime' => filemtime($mosConfig_absolute_path.$rootfolder.$_images_dir_."/".$f));
foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
$filemtime[$key] = $value['filemtime'];
array_multisort($filemtime, SORT_DESC, $images);