I'm using the Simple RSS reader and it works great. Just one thing I'd like to add:
In the source of the feed I'm displaying there's a line that says
<source url="
www.arendals-tidende.no/">Arendals Tidende
I'd like to have this line (name with link) at the bottom of the news so that everyone easily can see where it comes from. Ie like this:
7. feb 2009 08:29
This is the newstext of the newsitem from the rss feed. It goes on and on for atleast 100 words...
[url http://www.linktosource.com]The source[/source]
The RSS source looks like this today:
<title>KLIMAPARTNER: Løfter som forplikter</title>
<description>Fylkesordfører Laila Øygarden, Ap, varaordfører i kommunen Tormod Vågsnes, KrF, og miljøambassadør Svein Tveitdal enes om at profilering, grønn sådan, ikke bare er bra for Arendal, men også for fylket. Målet er at FN-by Klimapartner skal bringe hele regionen i grønn...</description>
<pubDate>Sat, 07 Feb 2009 07:29:11 GMT</pubDate>
<source url="
www.arendals-tidende.no/">Arendals Tidende
How can I do this? Is there a place in the code I can add/modify something?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,