srfr doesn't seem to be able to find its css file on sub pages.
I tried adding this:
<?php echo JURI::base() ?>
to line 144 of mod_jw_srfr.php:
@import "modules/mod_jw_srfr/mod_jw_srfr/mod_jw_srfr.css";
so that it looked like this:
@import "<?php echo JURI::base() ?>modules/mod_jw_srfr/mod_jw_srfr/mod_jw_srfr.css";
But that didn't fix it. Actually, the styling got messed up on top level pages as well when I did that, appearing as a normal bulleted list styled by the template css.
Am I close to figuring this out? Did I do something wrong? How can I fix this problem?
It seems like a problem with the original code for the module using relative path to the css, so I thought adding that echo would fix it. Apparently not.
Thanks for your help!