I've had a feed module running on a site for months, but all over sudden it's decided to give up on me. The module still appears, but it can't pull in any feeds, no matter what I do -- remove all caching from the entire site, turn off all other plugins and modules, reinstall from scratch, etc. I can't really think of more things to try, but: my host recently upgraded their servers, and the site is now on a fastcgi-based machine w/ mod_security running as tightly as they can. This has already caused other issues, and I'm wondering if it could be the case here as well. Nothing shows up in my error log, however, and full debug on the site doesn't display any obvious misfires w/ things like fopen() or other related items.
Anyone care to suggest what might be causing this? I'm running the module on a rockettheme template w/ gantry, mootools 1.24 upgrade enabled -- but it was worked under that config before...