
Setting up our Demo

As you can see our template only uses the component views, category, user, tag item lists and item views.

Template functionality.

From the template’s settings view apart from the colours, you can also control most of the template’s functionality.

Choose between off canvas and normal navigation
Use your own colour variations
Enter your social links
Select the main text and header font.

All these settings are located in template’s parameters.

Setting up the menus.

In the template’s parameters (template specific tab) as mentioned above you can select the look and feel of your menu.
Whether you choose the off canvas navigation or the inline menu all you need to do is to publish your menu in the tamashi_Menu position.

Using a custom menu

This template offers you the ability to use one level custom menus in both the header of the site and the footer of the site.
The module position for these menus is tamashi_Footer_1.

K2 Content and Categories setup

This template offers a simple Ghost inspired blog layout.
Due to the nature of this template higher quality/sizes images are required.

K2 Content module templates

There is a template override for the K2 Content module. You can see it in the sidebar (see the demo site for more information). To use this template in the sidebar you should use the default-listing module class.

Icon Fonts

We have included the Entypo family from fontello.com as well as the Simple Line icons.

You can download the font family and view the complete glyph guide from: http://graphicburger.com/simple-line-icons-webfont/

You can easily create your own animations using using using natural, declarative language

<!-- Reveal using custom parameters. -->
<divdata-scroll-reveal="enter left and move 50px over 1.33s"]]]]]]> Foo </div><divdata-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom after 1s"]]]]]]> Bar </div><divdata-scroll-reveal="wait 2.5s and then ease-in-out 100px"]]]]]]> Baz </div>
More information can be found at http://scrollrevealjs.org/ and https://github.com/julianlloyd/scrollReveal.js

Module positions

  • tamashi_Logo
  • tamashi_Menu
  • tamashi_Right
  • tamashi_Top
  • tamashi_Component
  • tamashi_Footer_1
  • tamashi_Footer_2

Image Size

The following image sizes are recommended for this template:

  • XSmall 150
  • Small 260
  • Medium 400
  • Large 900
  • XLarge 1280
  • Generic 900
  • Category Image 100
  • Avatar Size 100
  • Commenter Image 48

Module Suffixes

  • .left adds a float:left to a block.
  • .right adds a float:right to a block.
  • .text-center adds a center alignment to a block.
  • .text-right adds a right text alignment to a block.
  • .text-left adds a left text alignment to a block.
  • .default-listing for the K2 item listings.

Additional Components

Apart from the K2 component we offer CSS styling for the following components
com_contact (form only)
com_users ( all views )

Commercial Extensions

Simple Image Gallery Pro - After installing it go to the Extension's parameters Layout template for image galleries and choose the one named after the template, i.e. matchbox and matchbox_module.

For developers and enthusiasts

The Grid

We are using ZURB's foundation grid for this template. You can find out more about foundation here: http://foundation.zurb.com/

Addtionally we have added a grid for larger (xl) and very large (xxl) viewports.

Block Grid - for developers and enthusiasts

We have included Foundation's block grid.
More info can be found here. http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/block-grid.html

Visibility Classes

If you need complete control over your modules in responsive states we 've got you covered. This template uses the power of the The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world, ZURB's foundation.

.hide-for-small Hides the module in viewports bellow 900px
.show-for-small Shows the module in viewports bellow 900px
.hide-for-medium Hides the module in viewports above 768px and bellow 1279px
.hide-for-medium-up Hides the module in viewports above 768px
.show-for-medium Shows the module in viewports above 768px and bellow 1279px
.show-for-medium-up Shows the module in viewports above 768px
.show-for-medium-down Shows the module in viewports bellow 1279px
.show-for-large Shows the module in viewports above 1280px and bellow 1440px
.show-for-large-up Shows the module in viewports above 1280px
.hide-for-large Hides the module in viewports above 1280px and bellow 1440px
.hide-for-large-up Hides the module in viewports above 1280px
.show-for-xlarge Shows the module in viewports above 1440px
.hide-for-xlarge Hides the module in viewports above 1440px
.show-for-landscape Shows the module in the landscape orientation
.hide-for-landscape Hides the module in the landscape orientation
.show-for-portrait Shows the module in the portrait orientation
.hide-for-portrait Hides the module in the portrait orientation

All these classes are located in the template.css and can be easily expanded and/or edited and can be used for every block of your template, not just your modules.

More info can be found here: http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/visibility.html


As you might have noticed this template does not use the default k2.css. We have completely rewritten all the template's styles to be more efficient. In case you download the standalone template package we have included a blank k2.css file in our distribution to avoid 'breaking' you site.

SASS Support

In your template's /css folder you will find a /src subfolder. There you will find all out .sass files.
We have also used Bourbon which is a simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass

What is SASS: http://sass-lang.com/
What is Bourbon: http://bourbon.io/

Visual Walkthrough