This template comes with three different color variations. The Turquoise/Red which is the default, the Purple/Blue and the Green/Orange. You can choose the one you like through the template parameters under the option Select Color Variation in the Template Specific tab. You can also create your own color variation by choosing the colors for Custom color 1 and 2.
Setting up our demo
This template has two different layouts for listings.
The first category layout in use is the Default. It is used for the Blog category listing. For this list layout we need five Leading items with a Large image size.
The next category layout in use is based on the Default layout, but has different settings in order to show as a Grid. For this layout we need eight Primary items with Medium image size photos in two Columns. Another parameter that is very essential and cannot be ignored, is to give the page suffix gridView to the menu item pointing to that Grid category.
Image Sizes
The following image sizes are recommended for this template:
- XSmall 70
- Small 270
- Medium 560
- Large 770
- XLarge 900
- Generic 270
- Category Image 70
- Avatar Size 48
- Commenter Image 70
Module Suffixes
- .floatLeft, .fLeft adds a float:left to a block.
- .floatRight, .fRight adds a float:right to a block.
- .center, .text-center adds a center alignment to a block.
- .left, textLeft adds a left alignment to a block.
- .right, .textRight adds a right alignment to a block.
- .greyBox is used to show the module as a box with the #ececec background color.
- .box is used to show the module as a box with the #f8f8f8 background color.
Template Specific Module overrides
K2 Content Modules
- ImageOnly
- LatestBlogPosts
- Quotes
- Slider
- Slideshow
Extra fields
For better content management we have set up some Extra Fields that are associated with specific categories.
Let's start with the Quotes category. The Quotes category is associated with the Quotes K2 Content Module which is located in the Homepage of the Demo site, as well as in the inner pages, titled "What client's say?".
For this category we have set up an Extra Field Group called Quotes which includes one Extra Field, the Quoter Name. For the quote itself the introText is set up to show.
Another set of Extra Fields that is used for the Clients category is the Clients Group. This group includes the following fields: Image, Link. The image type extra field is used instead of the item image itself in order to provide some kind of freedom in the image sizes used. The link extra field is used in case the image wants to point to a specific webpage. This category is used for the Slider in the demo's Home page.
Use of page Heading
In the demo site, in all inner pages on the header, on the right there is a title. This title is the page heading and is located in the menu item under 'Page Display Options'.
Joomla Content Component
All K2 category layouts can also be applied to the Joomla Content Component. To set up the layouts for the Category Blog, the Leading items are used in a single column. The Grid uses eight intro items in a two column grid. This layout, like the K2 Grid layout, also needs the page suffix gridView.
Commercial Extensions
Simple Image Gallery Pro - After installing it go to the Extension's parameters Layout template for image galleries and choose the one named after the template, i.e. nuModusVersus.
Visual Walkthrough