Follow the steps below in order to install the Quickstart Package manually.
- Extract the .zip file to a web-accessible folder in your server (usually inside /public_html).
- At the folder (directory) where you previously extracted the .zip file create a file named "configuration.php" using the contents from here:
- Setting up the database:
- In the folder installation/sql you'll find the database files of the Quickstart package. You will have to rename the ones referenced as joomla.s01, joomla.s02, etc. to joomla01.sql, joomla02.sql and so on. The files referenced as joomla.s0x could be more than one depending on the package.
- Download the files joomla.sql and the ones you renamed (joomla01.sql, joomla02.sql, etc.) locally.
- Open phpMyAdmin and select the database in which you will import the data.
- Import all .sql files.
- You will notice that the tables have #__ as prefix. Select them all and from the "With selected:" filter choose "Replace table prefix. Enter the #__ as the one in use now and the new prefix of your choice, i.e. vtwiq_, as the new one and click on Submit.
- You will also have to change the admin password in order to have access to the site's backend. Locate _users table and Edit the Administrator user. Erase the password field and put your own. Before Saving, choose through the "Function" select the "MD5" option.
- Setting up the configuration
- Open the file configuration.php you previously created.
- Enter the correct database credentials, $user, $password, $db, $dbprefix.
- Change the $log_path and $tmp_path to correspond to your own.
- Take a look at the notes from the original file you copied from the Joomla repository on GitHub. Adjust/fill-in accordingly.
- Remove the installation folder.
- Visit your site and access the backend using /administrator.