

14 years 1 month ago #74488 by neville palmer
what i think is needed here is the large rss icon on the front page.. and how do you make this easily, k2 gives us such tiny icons, and punters are well, er dimm simon. ive a gallery on my martial arts academy thats been visited 120 times and no ones commented shared or rss'd the gallery feed. we need to make it loud and easy on the front page.

Simon Wells (K2 Support) said:Each category will display its own RSS feed for it and any other sub category within it.
What I believe is being suggested is this, set up categories as follows:

Sub Cat1
Sub Cat1a
Sub Cat1b
Sub Cat1c
Sub Cat2
Sub Cat2a
Sub Cat2b
Sub Cat2c
Sub Cat3
Sub Cat3a
Sub Cat3a1
Sub Cat3a2
Sub Cat3b
Sub Cat3c
etc, etc.

The HomeCat will display RSS for ALL sub cats within it
SubCat1 will display RSS forall of its own sub cats 1a, 1b, 1c but not 2 or 3
This continues for the others cats.

As of V2.2, there is NO single item RSS feed, as yet.
The file structure only allows for catFeedLayout, but I have clients and there are others that would really like to have individual item RSS feeds to.

Any ideas anyone?



FidelGonzales said:If you do not have one already, create a category that contains all the K2 categories you want in the primary feed, then link it to your main menu. Make that menu item your default menu. Alwin said:In my case the RSS has to pull all the articles from K2 and display it as the default feed. I mean when the user clicks on the feed links in the adress bar he has to get his feed. Also I am sorry but I haven't got what you mean mean by "Just make a K2 category your "home" page ;)" . Could anyone please explain it ?

I would like to either hard code or see an option to add additional feeds into the home page URL as a dropdown. Is there such a plugin or module? This way, when someone is on the main page and selects the RSS button, such as the case on many large sites, they have the dropdown option to select sub-categories, authors, tags, forums, comments and the like.

Is there anything such as this or any hard coded method we ought consider?

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14 years 1 month ago #74489 by Simon Wells
Hi Nev,

The RSS feed icon can be changed.
In current versions, the rss feed icon sits in images/fugue/feed.png
This can then be changed with any image you wish, but you would need to adjust a little bit of css.
Open up your css file and search for k2FeedIcon
You will need to adjust the height/width to suite your new icon.

An example of changing the RSS icon can be seen on, where I used larger 64px x 64px icons from DryIcons.

K2 Support

PS, you know how to get hold of me.

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14 years 1 month ago #74490 by neville palmer
as ever mr wells, you are a legend. i think ill give that solution a good going over later. plus it has occurred to me to display your own global feed icon in a module and link it to the uber category feed icon link so we get what we want. does seem a pig to play with cats just for this, but im guessing code wise, its just as rude touse a plug in where an existing well thought out file structure would have done.

Simon Wells (K2 Support) said:Hi Nev,
The RSS feed icon can be changed.
In current versions, the rss feed icon sits in images/fugue/feed.png
This can then be changed with any image you wish, but you would need to adjust a little bit of css.
Open up your css file and search for k2FeedIcon
You will need to adjust the height/width to suite your new icon.

An example of changing the RSS icon can be seen on, where I used larger 64px x 64px icons from DryIcons.

K2 Support

PS, you know how to get hold of me.

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14 years 1 month ago #74491 by gg4u
i used this soution
create a css to not display all the list of news, and let displayed the RSS icon.
you can do it creating a custom K2 tools, and define a style sheet for that module

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