Search Results (Searched for: extra field order)
- ali
rien ne s'affiche dans mes articles
Category: Communauté française K2
je dispose d'un site dont l'ancien webmaster avait installe K2 sur joomla 1.5.26.
Premier problème : quand je me rends sur le K2 je ne trouve aucun article et aucune catégorie. Tout en haut c'est note : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/atelieratk/www/administrator/components/com_k2/views/items/tmpl/default.php on line 80
Deuxième problème Quand j'essaye dinserer de nouveaux articles, supposons un article qui contient le mot "TEST", voici ce qu'il me renvoi :
"TableK2Item::store failed - Table './1339167@002d1/jom15_k2_items' is marked as crashed and should be repaired SQL=INSERT INTO `jom15_k2_items` ( `id`,`title`,`alias`,`catid`,`published`,`introtext`,`fulltext`,`image_caption`,`image_credits`,`video_caption`,`video_credits`,`created`,`created_by`,`created_by_alias`,`publish_up`,`publish_down`,`access`,`ordering`,`featured`,`metadata`,`metadesc`,`metakey`,`params`,`plugins` ) VALUES ( '','test','test','6','1','
','','','','','','2014-07-24 05:13:12','62','','2014-07-24 05:13:12','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0','','0','robots=\nauthor=','','','catItemTitle=\ncatItemTitleLinked=\ncatItemFeaturedNotice=\ncatItemAuthor=\ncatItemDateCreated=\ncatItemRating=\ncatItemImage=\ncatItemIntroText=\ncatItemExtraFields=\ncatItemHits=\ncatItemCategory=\ncatItemTags=\ncatItemAttachments=\ncatItemAttachmentsCounter=\ncatItemVideo=\ncatItemVideoWidth=\ncatItemVideoHeight=\ncatItemVideoAutoPlay=\ncatItemImageGallery=\ncatItemDateModified=\ncatItemReadMore=\ncatItemCommentsAnchor=\ncatItemK2Plugins=\nitemDateCreated=\nitemTitle=\nitemFeaturedNotice=\nitemAuthor=\nitemFontResizer=\nitemPrintButton=\nitemEmailButton=\nitemSocialButton=\nitemVideoAnchor=\nitemImageGalleryAnchor=\nitemCommentsAnchor=\nitemRating=\nitemImage=\nitemImgSize=\nitemImageMainCaption=\nitemImageMainCredits=\nitemIntroText=\nitemFullText=\nitemExtraFields=\nitemDateModified=\nitemHits=\nitemTwitterLink=\nitemCategory=\nitemTags=\nitemShareLinks=\nitemAttachments=\nitemAttachmentsCounter=\nitemRelated=\nitemRelatedLimit=\nitemVideo=\nitemVideoWidth=\nitemVideoHeight=\nitemVideoAutoPlay=\nitemVideoCaption=\nitemVideoCredits=\nitemImageGallery=\nitemNavigation=\nitemComments=\nitemAuthorBlock=\nitemAuthorImage=\nitemAuthorDescription=\nitemAuthorURL=\nitemAuthorEmail=\nitemAuthorLatest=\nitemAuthorLatestLimit=\nitemK2Plugins=\n\n','k2dynamaplatitude=\nk2dynamaplongitude=\nk2dynamapcolor=red\nk2dynamapmarker=\nk2dynamapzoom=12\nk2dynamapwidth=\nk2dynamapheight=\nk2dynamaptype=roadmap\nk2dynamappopuptext=\n\n' )"
C'est quoi?
Merci d'avance
- Krikor Boghossian
Attachment custom order
Category: English K2 Community
You can use extrafields as a workaround. Extrafields can be rendered separately and ordered so you can have the same behaviour.
- Miguel
[SOLVED] K2 Extra Fields & FaLang
Category: English K2 Community
- Krikor Boghossian
missing features like intro image?
Category: English K2 Community
There is only one image field.
If you are comfortable with coding you can use an extrafield in order to replace an image.
regarding the component it is clear to use just this, but its bad that customers can use both.
replacement does not mean deletion. Especially deleting core components and affecting core functionality. This option belongs to the user alone.
- JOsh
change width of slides in header
Category: Commercial Joomla Templates
should I adjust the height in this css code ? make this 380 as well?
/* Slideshow */
.slideshow {position:absolute;width:100%;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper {height:580px;max-height:580px;overflow:hidden;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemImage {display:block;max-height:580px;position:relative;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemImage img {width:100%;margin-top:-10%; /* According to the main theme of your photos, you can change the negative percent of the margin-top. */}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .row {width:100%;max-width:1096px;margin:0 auto;position:absolute;bottom:32%;z-index:210;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemExtraFields,
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemContent {font-family:'Titillium Web', serif;float:right;padding:0 15px 0 0;text-align:right;text-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.33);box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemExtraFields h2,
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemContent a.moduleItemTitle {max-width:700px;background:rgba(243, 235, 1, 0.9);margin:0 0 10px;font-size:45px;letter-spacing:-1px;font-weight:400;line-height:1em;display:inline-block;padding:8px 20px;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemExtraFields .tagline {margin-left:10px;max-width:700px;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);color:#f3eb01;padding:8px 20px;display:inline-block;}
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemExtraFields p,
.slideshow .itemsWrapper ul.items li .moduleItemContent div.moduleItemIntrotext {margin:0;font-size:25px;font-weight:200;line-height:1em;}
.slideshow div.nuSliderPagination {width:100%;max-width:1096px;margin:0 auto;position:absolute;bottom:18%;z-index:210;}
.slideshow div.nuSliderPagination ul {float:right;box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;padding:0 10px 0 0;}
- eyeweiss
Sort by Extra-Field-Content?
Category: English K2 Community
I now found the linesmodules/mod_k2_content/helper.php
case 'alpha' : $orderby = 'i.title'; break;
- Marc Wensauer
How to generate proper URLS when using K2?
Category: English K2 Community
I have the following setup:
... ProducerA
... ProducerB
I have some Extra fields and I am trying to filer the products with JA K2 Search which I bought some days ago.
As far as I hit the search button I gt such ugly URL:
Any idea how to remove "component/jakfilter"?
Some thing else:
The search Result Item Links look even more confuse, eg::
How do I maintain a liunk structure like this:
or atleast:
I tried creating a hidden menu but that didnt solved the issue, I still have urls like this:
the logical url would be the following whereas "Bille" is the producer name:
Like to have a look in the backend ?
just write me a mail to daslicht {Æ} ansolas {dot} de
Any help is welcome!
- eyeweiss
[SOLVED] Display extra fields in a table
Category: English K2 Community
I'll try to visualize it here:
Type | Date | Place | Details |
Basic | 02.02.2014 | Wien | Link1 |
Advanced | 03.03.2014 | London | Link2 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
I almost get there by using these instructions , but then I have an unordered list which is not as nice to handle as a table (eg. not sortable).
Thanks a lot.
- Jose
Link K2 item or article to an external url
Category: English K2 Community
krish kash wrote: You can achieve that by using an extrafield. The extra field will hold the external URL and it will replace the actual url of the item in your lists.
You will have to create a K2 template override in order to modify the category_item.php file. Read here on how K2 overrides work if your template doesn't use them already.
can you share that template?
I really need to link k2 items to external urls
- dtronvig
Extrafields in K2ViewItem for Show vs Hide
Category: English K2 Community
[extra_fields] => Array ( [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [name] => Image URL [value] => images/Music/BBKingMontreaux360x540.jpg [type] => textfield [group] => 1 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 2 [alias] => ImageURL ) . . .
[extra_fields] => [{"id":"1","value":""},{"id":"2","value":"images\/Music\/BBKingMontreaux360x540.jpg"} . . .
Now, this is in a Gavick template, so if it's something peculiar to the Gavern Framework I suppose I could talk to them, but this group is likely to have a better handle on this in any case.
I'm using this generic code to load extra_fields values into an array:
<?php $extrafields = array(); foreach($item->extra_fields as $field) { $extrafields[$field->id] = $field->value; } ?>
In [template]/html/com_k2/templates/default/item.php this code only works when the Item is set to Show Extra Fields, but -- not surprisingly -- that code doesn't find anything when the Item is set to Hide -- when of course the Extra Fields are delivered in a completely different form.
So regardless of whether this is standard K2 behavior or something peculiar to the Gavern Framework I still have to work around it. So:
Is there some code that would work on both forms of extra_fields?
To bypass this entirely, could I ask for a quick bit of code to extract and parse the extra_fields directly from the database, given the Item ID?
Many thanks,
- Antonio Jimenez Fuentes
[SOLVED] Category configuration not responding
Category: English K2 Community
I've been eyeing the database, this configuration is correct in the params field?. the part that indicates the template is empty and in "".
- Robbi “Azdora Mangiamando” Azdora
Help: custom item view layout
Category: English K2 Community
i'm looking for some hint about item layout. Need help on two issues:
1. Additional info
Now visitors read the additional info (extra fields) below the item text, our need is to show additional info below the header and above the item image. I suppose that i have to do is moving some code inside a php file. but what file? what code lines?, i must do an override?
2. Author/user info
Following some SEO guides we connect user/author profile to our google + profile end showing info below the item. I need to change the background of the user section (or place a border..) to distinguish it from the text before. I dont know how? Can someone help me. (we use two template, in the oder i see a background and a border, in the new, that will be the one once the test is finished, i see no background and non border. Using JCE editor in the user page in the backend, i can only highlight text and not set a section background, an the same if i try to set a border).
Awaiting some help.
Thanks in advance.
- George Nasis
PLEASE HELP - lightbox popup in extrafields!
Category: English K2 Community
good to know that in order to avoid spending time to fix it!
- Lefteris
K2 Front end edit no jquery "chosen" for extra fld
Category: English K2 Community
JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');
This will handle all extra fields that are preloaded. Now, in order to apply chosen to extra fields when user changes a category you need to trigger it manually with javascript code.
- Jim Van Zile
Extra field values - ordering
Category: English K2 Community
- CuppaJoe
Extra Field - Headers
Category: English K2 Community
I have customised the display of k2 extra fields from being a list to in a table.
The table displays header type in col 1, Labels in col 2 and Values in col 3.
This all works ok, however, col 1 needs to span different quantity of rows depending on the number of extra fields are created before the next header.
Adding a rowspan="3" works create when there are 3 fields, but this always varies and code literally just loads header, label, value.
Can anyone recommend a way to maybe dynamically specify rowspan, probably by count the number of fields or is there a better way?
This is an example of the layout trying to achieve:
<style> .k2_ef {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border-color:#999;} .k2_ef td{padding:10px 5px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;border-color:#999;color:#444;} </style> <table class="k2_ef"> <tr> <td rowspan="3">Header Field 1</td> <td>Label Field2</td> <td>Value Field2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Label Field3</td> <td>Value Field3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Label Field4</td> <td>Value Field4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Header Field 5</td> <td>Label Field6</td> <td>Value Field6</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="4">Header Field7</td> <td>Label Field8</td> <td>Value Field9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Label Field10</td> <td>Value Field11</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Label Field12</td> <td>Value Field13</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Label Field14</td> <td>Value Field15</td> </tr> </table>
Thanks in advance.
- Nuno
Accessing image property of K2 item
Category: English K2 Community
I'm developing a module that displays a specific number of k2 items based on its category id. I can get those item but I'm not able to access the image on it. When I try $item->image returns the following error:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$image
Here is the object I get from my sql query:
stdClass Object ( [id] => 5 [title] => News test item [alias] => news-test-item [catid] => 4 [published] => 1 [introtext] => <p>Some intro text</p> [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2014-03-28 21:42:01 [created_by] => 252 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2014-03-28 21:42:01 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 1 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 0 [params] => {"catItemTitle":"","catItemTitleLinked":"","catItemFeaturedNotice":"","catItemAuthor":"","catItemDateCreated":"","catItemRating":"","catItemImage":"","catItemIntroText":"","catItemExtraFields":"","catItemHits":"","catItemCategory":"","catItemTags":"","catItemAttachments":"","catItemAttachmentsCounter":"","catItemVideo":"","catItemVideoWidth":"","catItemVideoHeight":"","catItemAudioWidth":"","catItemAudioHeight":"","catItemVideoAutoPlay":"","catItemImageGallery":"","catItemDateModified":"","catItemReadMore":"","catItemCommentsAnchor":"","catItemK2Plugins":"","itemDateCreated":"","itemTitle":"","itemFeaturedNotice":"","itemAuthor":"","itemFontResizer":"","itemPrintButton":"","itemEmailButton":"","itemSocialButton":"","itemVideoAnchor":"","itemImageGalleryAnchor":"","itemCommentsAnchor":"","itemRating":"","itemImage":"","itemImgSize":"","itemImageMainCaption":"","itemImageMainCredits":"","itemIntroText":"","itemFullText":"","itemExtraFields":"","itemDateModified":"","itemHits":"","itemCategory":"","itemTags":"","itemAttachments":"","itemAttachmentsCounter":"","itemVideo":"","itemVideoWidth":"","itemVideoHeight":"","itemAudioWidth":"","itemAudioHeight":"","itemVideoAutoPlay":"","itemVideoCaption":"","itemVideoCredits":"","itemImageGallery":"","itemNavigation":"","itemComments":"","itemTwitterButton":"","itemFacebookButton":"","itemGooglePlusOneButton":"","itemAuthorBlock":"","itemAuthorImage":"","itemAuthorDescription":"","itemAuthorURL":"","itemAuthorEmail":"","itemAuthorLatest":"","itemAuthorLatestLimit":"","itemRelated":"","itemRelatedLimit":"","itemRelatedTitle":"","itemRelatedCategory":"","itemRelatedImageSize":"","itemRelatedIntrotext":"","itemRelatedFulltext":"","itemRelatedAuthor":"","itemRelatedMedia":"","itemRelatedImageGallery":"","itemK2Plugins":""} [metadesc] => [metadata] => robots= author= [metakey] => [plugins] => [language] => * [categoryname] => News-test [categoryid] => 4 [categoryalias] => news-test [categoryparams] => {"inheritFrom":"0","theme":"","num_leading_items":"2","num_leading_columns":"1","leadingImgSize":"Large","num_primary_items":"4","num_primary_columns":"2","primaryImgSize":"Medium","num_secondary_items":"4","num_secondary_columns":"1","secondaryImgSize":"Small","num_links":"4","num_links_columns":"1","linksImgSize":"XSmall","catCatalogMode":"0","catFeaturedItems":"1","catOrdering":"","catPagination":"2","catPaginationResults":"1","catTitle":"1","catTitleItemCounter":"1","catDescription":"1","catImage":"1","catFeedLink":"1","catFeedIcon":"1","subCategories":"1","subCatColumns":"2","subCatOrdering":"","subCatTitle":"1","subCatTitleItemCounter":"1","subCatDescription":"1","subCatImage":"1","itemImageXS":"","itemImageS":"","itemImageM":"","itemImageL":"","itemImageXL":"","catItemTitle":"1","catItemTitleLinked":"1","catItemFeaturedNotice":"0","catItemAuthor":"1","catItemDateCreated":"1","catItemRating":"0","catItemImage":"1","catItemIntroText":"1","catItemIntroTextWordLimit":"","catItemExtraFields":"0","catItemHits":"0","catItemCategory":"1","catItemTags":"1","catItemAttachments":"0","catItemAttachmentsCounter":"0","catItemVideo":"0","catItemVideoWidth":"","catItemVideoHeight":"","catItemAudioWidth":"","catItemAudioHeight":"","catItemVideoAutoPlay":"0","catItemImageGallery":"0","catItemDateModified":"0","catItemReadMore":"1","catItemCommentsAnchor":"1","catItemK2Plugins":"1","itemDateCreated":"1","itemTitle":"1","itemFeaturedNotice":"1","itemAuthor":"1","itemFontResizer":"1","itemPrintButton":"1","itemEmailButton":"1","itemSocialButton":"1","itemVideoAnchor":"1","itemImageGalleryAnchor":"1","itemCommentsAnchor":"1","itemRating":"1","itemImage":"1","itemImgSize":"Large","itemImageMainCaption":"1","itemImageMainCredits":"1","itemIntroText":"1","itemFullText":"1","itemExtraFields":"1","itemDateModified":"1","itemHits":"1","itemCategory":"1","itemTags":"1","itemAttachments":"1","itemAttachmentsCounter":"1","itemVideo":"1","itemVideoWidth":"","itemVideoHeight":"","itemAudioWidth":"","itemAudioHeight":"","itemVideoAutoPlay":"0","itemVideoCaption":"1","itemVideoCredits":"1","itemImageGallery":"1","itemNavigation":"1","itemComments":"1","itemTwitterButton":"1","itemFacebookButton":"1","itemGooglePlusOneButton":"1","itemAuthorBlock":"1","itemAuthorImage":"1","itemAuthorDescription":"1","itemAuthorURL":"1","itemAuthorEmail":"0","itemAuthorLatest":"1","itemAuthorLatestLimit":"5","itemRelated":"1","itemRelatedLimit":"5","itemRelatedTitle":"1","itemRelatedCategory":"0","itemRelatedImageSize":"0","itemRelatedIntrotext":"0","itemRelatedFulltext":"0","itemRelatedAuthor":"0","itemRelatedMedia":"0","itemRelatedImageGallery":"0","itemK2Plugins":"1","catMetaDesc":"","catMetaKey":"","catMetaRobots":"","catMetaAuthor":""} )
What am I missing here?
Any help will be appreciated.
- Krikor Boghossian
Monday first day on Schedule
Category: Commercial Joomla Templates
If you are using the K2 content module, then simly recheck the settings of the module (item ordering.)
If you are using Radiojar's schedule then you need to alter it's code a bit. Locate the module (it's a K2 Tools module) remove the code and paste:
<div id="rj-schedule"> <ul class="tabs hide-for-xsmall"> <li><a href="javascript();">Sunday</a></li> <li><a href="javascript();">Monday</a></li> <li><a href="javascript();">Tuesday</a></li> <li><a href="javascript();">Wednesday</a></li> <li><a href="javascript();">Thursday</a></li> <li><a href="javascript();">Friday</a></li> <li><a href="javascript();">Saturday</a></li> </ul> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall"><a href="#sunday">Sunday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="sunday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall"><a href="#monday">Monday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="monday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall"><a href="#tuesday">Tuesday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="tuesday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall"><a href="#wednesday">Wednesday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="wednesday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall"><a href="#thursday">Thursday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="thursday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall"><a href="#friday">Friday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="friday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <h2 class="hidden show-for-xsmall lastItem"><a href="#saturday">Saturday</a></h2> <div class="pane" id="saturday"> <div class="itemlist moduleItemBody scroll-pane"></div> </div> <script id="schedule_list_item" type="text/html"> <div class="item item-show item-small program" data-id="<%= sch.utc_from %>"> <div class="coverImage"> <img src="<%= sch.show_photo %>?resize=cover_small" /> </div> <div class="programBodyWrapper"> <div class="programBody"> <h4 class="extraFieldsHeader right"><span class="localize-time" data-date='<%= sch.utc_from %>'></span> - <span class='localize-time' data-date='<%= sch.utc_to %>'></span></h4> <span class="avatar"> <a href="<%= sch.dj_url %>" class="item-dj" title="<%= sch.dj_nickname %>"> <% if (sch.dj_photo.indexOf('image')!=-1) { %> <img src="<%= sch.dj_photo %>" /> <% } %> </a> </span> <div class="titleWrapper"> <a href="<%= sch.show_url %>"> <span class="title"><%= sch.show_title %></span> </a> <span class="tagline"><%= sch.show_tagline %></span> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div> </div> </script> </div>
- George Nasis
[SOLVED] how to disable one specific extra field
Category: English K2 Community
How can i disappear from fronend a specific extra field WITHOUT to disable it from backend and WITHOUT its content to be blank???
- Sandro
13 Mar 2014 07:30 Replied by Sandro on topic Attachment custom order Attachment custom order
Category: English K2 Community
:cheer: Thank you a lot this is very important to me. I develop lot of sites for local Government institutions. In this site have lot of attachment for official documents in any items, sometimes they need to make a custom order but now is not possible, or they have typed wrong title which cannot be rectify only if delete and upload again. It very nice how is solved in extra field. I hope that soon made.