What Happened to K2 3.0?
- Timothy Michel
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Thanks, Tim
- Krikor Boghossian
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I would suggest that at this point you used K2 2.6.9.
You will be able to update in the process.
You could also test 3.0 for compatibility with other extensions, just not on a production environment.
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- Timothy Michel
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During Late Dec 2014, Jan and early Feb 2015 there has been reduced support and updates from Joostrap due to founders and primary operators of the site, Phil and Max, both being very sick.
Just before Christmas Phil had a recurrence of a serious old back injury and is still out of action in early February, almost two months later - still unable to sit and on a range of medicines and restrictions trying to get him recovered. Soon afterwards in early January I (Max) got a chest infection, which turned into pneumonia in both lungs ... and my brain and body haven't worked properly since ... but starting to recover from 11 Feb. Please bare with me while we continue recovering and catch up.
We're hoping to catch up with all support and get things back to normal ASAP
I got my load times down to 3.5 seconds just with the install of JOTCache, the Joomla System Cache replacement plugin, so I am resting a little easier right now.
I have to really address mobile, and right now K2 isn't the mobile friendliest Content Manager out of the box. This is the reason that I was looking forward to K2 3.0 because one of the primary design goals was to make it mobile friendly. I am also thinking about kicking Bootstrap, 2.3.2 or 3.3.2 to the curb, because of the huge load time overhead that represents.
Is K2 going to be embracing Bootstrap going forward, or is it going to provide that as an option, or is it going to implement LESS, jQuery/JavaScript in it's own fashion. I can get rid of Bootstrap in Joomla by just not including JHtml::_('bootstrap.framework'), will I be able to do that with K2 as well?
Thanks, Tim
- OptionAxiom
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Over the process of waiting for this we have been given numerous dates, all of which have been missed. We were pointed at a github site that show work has essentially stopped on V3. Every time someone has a reasonable request for information you just say it can be done in the old version.
We don't want to be told about the old version. Most of us are probably using the old version. We want to have honest answers about version 3 that at this point just seems to be vaporware.
You know what, if it is not happening just tell us. I would respect that far more than this game you are playing.
- Krikor Boghossian
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Is K2 going to be embracing Bootstrap going forward, or is it going to provide that as an option, or is it going to implement LESS, jQuery/JavaScript in it's own fashion. I can get rid of Bootstrap in Joomla by just not including JHtml::_('bootstrap.framework'), will I be able to do that with K2 as well?
I think this has to do with the template itself.
You can use whatever Framework you want. I personally use Foundation or a lighter version of it, but this is completely up to you.
@OptionAxiom You will be notified when there are updates to V3.
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- Timothy Michel
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But really , I have to determine if I am going to continue with K2, because I have a lot of people that are getting really nervous about what is happening regarding world affairs and are looking for platforms where they can get their messages out to the public, and I have to make my decisions within a months time frame not years.
I understand the difficulty with developing Open Source as is evidenced by illness of the principle developers for Joomla and my personal experience, but regardless of setbacks the work has to go on..
Thanks, Tim
- Yannis Sintos
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And unfortunatelly i need it immediatelly for very large project... :)
- Krikor Boghossian
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V3 is still under private dev
I do not have an ETA to announce yet.
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- Yannis Sintos
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Thank you for the info you shared with us.
- Krikor Boghossian
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We will share more info in the near future.
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- Yannis Sintos
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- Krikor Boghossian
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- John Dunstan
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I am very disappointed with the lack of communication and the attitude that K2 has taken with V3.
Its been over 6 months now since you guys first announced a release date, and in the last 3 months since the last date you announced at xmas time, there has been no communication at all, other than to say you will let us know when its ready.
Let me ask you, what would you do if you were working with a company who treated you the same way? What would you think about this company who promised a release date 6 months ago, then kept changing the date, then decided to not communicate at all...even after so so so many K2 community members kindly asked for some communication?
Honestly, what would you think about this if it was done to you?
I myself, as well as many K2 community members have been asking "What is actually holding up the release of V3"? To which we have never received a response. Please understand that you do have a responsibility to the large user base you have, even though K2 is free at the moment.
P.S. I run a Joomla site with k2 2.6.9 and you guys have stated 100's of times that K2 3.0 can be easily installed ontop. Well let me tell you I downloaded the latest k2 v3 release from GitHub 2 weeks ago, and installed it ontop of my site in a dev environment, and it destroyed my K2 installation...K2 wouldnt display properly. Since you guys have stated you are 'close' to finishing many times over the last 6 months, we 'should' be able to assume k2 v3 is very close to stable, but honestly this just makes me thing we are still 6 months away from a stable release.
Guys, if you keep up with the no communication, i wouldnt be suprized if the template clubs started dropping K2 from their new Templates...Hell, JoomlArt stopped added k2 to new templates some time ago, I notified you guys about this, and then within a week of you confirming this, you made that blog post on your site announcing V3 and telling us how great it will be. A few months later JoomlArt started including K2 again...but guess what...JoomlArt developed their own CCK within Joomla Articles...I would not be suprized if this has a direct correlation to the missed released dates and no communication from you guys.
What I dont understand is why its so hard to communicate to us? You guys have clearly been in software development for many many years, and thus should be on top of software project management...
Anyway, by no means am I being rude, nothing that has been said is incorrect, its all true....we just want to know whats going on, and I believe we have all waited long enough to get some feedback.
- Kannan Naidu Venugopal
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K2 Rocks \m/
- Yannis Sintos
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Lets hope that they have some internal info that V3 development is coming to the final stage.
- pedro nascimento
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Kannan Naidu Venugopal wrote: I don't mind waiting :D :D
You do not care? How can anyone not worry about something so important? I am sorry for you, because your site should be very mediocre!
- Yannis Sintos
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Its got to do with features.
K2 V3 according to the published specifications will be so much more advanced than the current version.
For example, now that K2 does not have item associations in multilanguage sites, its actually almost out of the question to use it in multilanguage sites with content that is not assigned to menus.
My concern is that the beta version was actually published 10 months ago, and since then i don't see a lot of evolution towards the final version and i am very very much concerned that the projects could be dropped. Not because the joomlaworks team is not an excellent team, but because when you have such a long development curve, the interest of the participating persons is dropping dramatically.
Lets all hope that K2 V3 will be a bright exception...
- Media
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I'm really sad to say this, but I just took a decision - I'm done with K2. Yeah, I'm very well aware that you don't care... but you will start to care when it is too late.
K2 was a top notch extension but know there are other CCKs to choose from which do care about their users and are able to communicate properly.
Goodbye K2, probably it's too early to say it but... RIP
(do not modify or delete my comment. it shows my feelings and is not insulting in any way. regarding the "RIP" - time will show if I'm right or wrong, you should not remove it. thanks)
- errevizeta
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I don't understand why you keep us in the dark!
Can you tell us at what point is the development of k2 v3?
Is k2 a dead project?
Please tell us something!!
- EffegiWeb
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