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Search Results (Searched for: Re Error SQL)

  • Shoricelul Chitz
  • Shoricelul Chitz's Avatar
28 Jan 2012 14:49
Replied by Shoricelul Chitz on topic Blank white pages returned

Blank white pages returned

Category: English K2 Community

I have turned on the error debug from global but in the blank white pages no messages apear, it's total white page ... in order this is System information from k2 dashboard:
Web Server• Apache
•PHP version• 5.2.13
•MySQL version• 5.0.92-community
•GD image library• bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
•Multibyte string support• •Enabled•
•Upload limit• 100M
•Memory limit• 64M
•Open remote files (allow url fopen)• •Yes•

I don't know where to check if mb_encoding is enabled ... please gide me.
  • Ready4 Studios
  • Ready4 Studios's Avatar
28 Jan 2012 04:43 - 28 Jan 2012 05:06
Replied by Ready4 Studios on topic [Solved] File error. Please try again.

[Solved] File error. Please try again.

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

This is not solved for me. I am still unable to upload images or select an image from the server. I keep getting the "File error. Please try again." When I select an image (either via upload or selected on server) a grey image box appears and says "Image Preview" then stops before anything loads. As soon as you try to save the slide the error appears.

I have installed Admin Tools, fixed permissions, uninstalled fpss, then reinstalled it. No luck.

I have now done a fresh Joomla install. The first extension I installed was Admin Tools. Fixed permissions, then installed FPSS. Same issue.

I have switched back and forth from admin templates.

I can upload files through media manager just fine.

All file permissions are correct.

I couldn't get it working with the following settings:

Web server    Apache/2.2.13 (Unix)
PHP version    5.2.11
MySQL version    5.0.92-community
GD Image library    bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
media/com_fpss    Writable  (777)
cache    Writable          (777)
Frontpage Slideshow v3.1.0
Joomla Version 1.7.3

And it does not work with the new install:
Everything the same as above other than Joomla Version 2.5

Anyone? Please help...
  • johnjohn
  • johnjohn's Avatar
25 Jan 2012 19:53
Replied by johnjohn on topic Language SQL ERROR

Language SQL ERROR

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

FPSS 3.1.0
Joomla 1.7.3
on Server
  • Katia
  • Katia's Avatar
25 Jan 2012 15:09
Replied by Katia on topic Language SQL ERROR

Language SQL ERROR

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

FPSS version and joomla version please?
  • johnjohn
  • johnjohn's Avatar
25 Jan 2012 12:35
Language SQL ERROR was created by johnjohn

Language SQL ERROR

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

When creating a new FPSS category for Slides and assigning it a language, it throws this Error:

Errore nel caricamento del componente: com_fpss, 1
        MySQL server has gone away SQL=SELECT a.lang_code AS value, a.title AS text, a.title_native FROM sol_languages AS a WHERE a.published >= 0 ORDER BY a.title

Any help?
  • davegrimes
  • davegrimes's Avatar
24 Jan 2012 00:08

500 - unknown colum error - new joomla user

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

Okay, so I am using v2.0.0 of the Frontpage Slideshow plugin on 1.5.18 Joomla. I did not upgrade versions and did not install this version, I am now the sites administrator and my predecessor installed it.

When I set the module parameter for "category" to anything but "1" I get this error when loading the page the module is published to.

"500 - Unknown column 'home' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT * FROM fpss_slides WHERE state = 1 AND registers <= 25 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '2012-01-23 21:59:26' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '2012-01-23 21:59:26' ) AND catid IN ( home ) ORDER BY ordering"

Is this a conflict with the installed site template?  I can publish it to multiple positions without getting this error, it is only when I change the category. What is this error telling me?

I tried uploading slides into a category that I created called "1" and while I don't get the 500 error, the slides do not publish.

Any ideas?
  • J Louie Lewis
  • J Louie Lewis's Avatar
23 Jan 2012 23:20
invalid argument possible SOLUTION! was created by J Louie Lewis

invalid argument possible SOLUTION!

Category: English K2 Community

I was having trouble installing k2 without getting a BUNCH of fatal errors about invalid arguments...


I was (unnecessarily) using something called qcache that created two files in my Joomla database called mysqli_cached and mysql_cache

The global configs were using one of the files as the database.

Solution. Go to your global configuration and make sure your database says "Mysql" (or mysqli if that's what kind of db you have) only.
  • Ryan
  • Ryan's Avatar
19 Jan 2012 01:16

mysqli error - can not view any K2 items (j 1.7)

Category: English K2 Community

I also have this problem too from time to time. For me, this error only occurred when caching was turned on in Global Preferences. I had "K2 Categories" set as the menu item type of my homepage, so the RSS feed would syndicate there. However, I didn't want any articles showing up, so I turned off the "Component" area on the homepage using RocketTheme's Gantry Framework.

Would love to know if there is a fix for this.
  • Ready4 Studios
  • Ready4 Studios's Avatar
17 Jan 2012 00:28 - 17 Jan 2012 02:16
Replied by Ready4 Studios on topic [Solved] File error. Please try again.

[Solved] File error. Please try again.

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

I too am having this exact issue. Any ideas?

Web server    Apache/2.2.13 (Unix)
PHP version    5.2.11
MySQL version    5.0.92-community
GD Image library    bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

media/com_fpss    Writable  (777)
cache    Writable          (777)

Frontpage Slideshow v3.1.0
Joomla Version 1.7.3
  • Studio de Smit
  • Studio de Smit's Avatar
13 Jan 2012 22:23 - 23 Jan 2012 17:16
[Solved] File error. Please try again. was created by Studio de Smit

[Solved] File error. Please try again.

Category: Frontpage Slideshow


I have the following setup:

Web server    Apache 2.2.19
PHP version    5.3.6
MySQL version    5.1.58
GD Image library    bundled (2.0.34 compatible) 

media/com_fpss    Writable  (755)
cache    Writable          (755)

Frontpage Slideshow v3.1.0

I read for hours this forum and tried things like deleting the files in frontpage cache.
I tried all different FPSS_MOD_JQUERY_LIBRARY_HANDLING options.

But what ever I do nothing helps I can not upload images to the slideshow when i try I get the message:
File error. Please try again.

I only managed to put in some pictures through  the src folder.

How can I solve this?

best regards,

  • Dave Sage
  • Dave Sage's Avatar
11 Jan 2012 22:28
mysqli error was created by Dave Sage

mysqli error

Category: English K2 Community


I'm getting these errors in front-end and back-end pages only on some page loads but on any page. Only seems to be affecting my sites with K2 and not sites without K2 which is why I'm asking here.

Changing to mysql/mysqli doesn't help

Anyone else seen these?

Warning: mysql_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 623

Warning: mysql_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 666

Please help


  • quincy
  • quincy's Avatar
05 Jan 2012 22:39 - 09 Jan 2012 16:25

[Solved] want to reload previous version of frontpage

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

How do I reload a previous version of slideshow - 2.9.1?  The PDS only allows me to load the current version - which isn't working for me - I can't get the slides to load. this is driving me crazy.  :Thanks

(error message: FPSSSlide::store failed - Unknown column 'title' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_fpss_slides` ( `id`,`title`,`catid`,`published`,`publish_up`,`publish_down`,`created`,`created_by`,`access`,`ordering`,`featured`,`featured_ordering`,`text`,`tagline`,`referenceType`,`referenceID`,`custom`,`hits`,`params` ) VALUES ( '0','Title','2','1','2012-01-05 20:17:00','0000-00-00 00:00:00','2012-01-05 20:19:50','64','0','19','0','','','Tagline','custom','','URL','0','useOriginal=\ntitle=0\ntext=0\ntagline=0\ncategory=0\nauthor=0\nreadmore=0\ntarget=\nliveData=0\n\n' )
  • Henry Young
  • Henry Young's Avatar
02 Jan 2012 09:26
Replied by Henry Young on topic Can't Create Slides or Categories

Can't Create Slides or Categories

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

I basically ran into the same exact issue. How the error state is encountered is if you install version 3 without uninstalling version 2 first. If you try to APPLY a new category joomla reports "error" if you try to SAVE the category it joomla will produce that FPSS SQL error that you're seeing. The solution is to uninstall your current version 3 installation and re-install version 3 again. I hope this helps.
  • Paul
  • Paul's Avatar
01 Jan 2012 11:00 - 01 Jan 2012 11:01
Replied by Paul on topic Migrating Items from 1.5 to 1.7

Migrating Items from 1.5 to 1.7

Category: English K2 Community

Hi All,

Just starting to try this procedure on one of my sites, having some issues as I have not altered the database like this before learning curve.

Ok so I have imported all the exported sql into the k2 tables and I am stuck on number 6

I am trying to execute a query is that correct? i use the set up and it creates the below query

SELECT `jos_k2_items`.`created_by`
FROM jos_k2_items

When I submit i get the following error message:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET created_by = 42 WHERE created_by = 64)' at line 3

When I try to run this query (i have added the prefix and the number created by id of old and new.
I have to use the UPDATE `PREFIX_k2_items` SET created_by = NEW_ID WHERE created_by = OLD_ID

6. Update k2_items created_by ID to new J1.7 Super User ID by running SQL query:
UPDATE `PREFIX_k2_items` SET created_by = NEW_ID WHERE created_by = OLD_ID

Not even got to step 7 yet lol
  • Matthew Tollin
  • Matthew Tollin's Avatar
30 Dec 2011 21:14
issues w my k2 admin menus was created by Matthew Tollin

issues w my k2 admin menus

Category: English K2 Community

getting this error message. think a certain plug-in is causing things to go screwy..

TableK2Category: :store failed
Table 'JB_Newstream.ukbtg_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `ukbtg_k2_categories` (`id`,`name`,`alias`,`description`,`parent`,`published`,`access`,`ordering`,`params`,`language`) VALUES ('','K2 plug in modules','k2-plug-in-modules','','0','1','1','','{\"inheritFrom\":\"0\",\"theme\":\"\",\"num_leading_items\":\"2\",\"num_leading_columns\":\"1\",\"leadingImgSize\":\"Large\",\"num_primary_items\":\"4\",\"num_primary_columns\":\"2\",\"primaryImgSize\":\"Medium\",\"num_secondary_items\":\"4\",\"num_secondary_columns\":\"1\",\"secondaryImgSize\":\"Small\",\"num_links\":\"4\",\"num_links_columns\":\"1\",\"linksImgSize\":\"XSmall\",\"catCatalogMode\":\"0\",\"catFeaturedItems\":\"1\",\"catOrdering\":\"\",\"catPagination\":\"2\",\"catPaginationResults\":\"1\",\"catTitle\":\"1\",\"catTitleItemCounter\":\"1\",\"catDescription\":\"1\",\"catImage\":\"1\",\"catFeedLink\":\"1\",\"catFeedIcon\":\"1\",\"subCategories\":\"1\",\"subCatColumns\":\"2\",\"subCatOrdering\":\"\",\"subCatTitle\":\"1\",\"subCatTitleItemCounter\":\"1\",\"subCatDescription\":\"1\",\"subCatImage\":\"1\",\"itemImageXS\":\"\",\"itemImageS\":\"\",\"itemImageM\":\"\",\"itemImageL\":\"\",\"itemImageXL\":\"\",\"catItemTitle\":\"1\",\"catItemTitleLinked\":\"1\",\"catItemFeaturedNotice\":\"0\",\"catItemAuthor\":\"1\",\"catItemDateCreated\":\"1\",\"catItemRating\":\"0\",\"catItemImage\":\"1\",\"catItemIntroText\":\"1\",\"catItemIntroTextWordLimit\":\"\",\"catItemExtraFields\":\"0\",\"catItemHits\":\"0\",\"catItemCategory\":\"1\",\"catItemTags\":\"1\",\"catItemAttachments\":\"0\",\"catItemAttachmentsCounter\":\"0\",\"catItemVideo\":\"0\",\"catItemVideoWidth\":\"\",\"catItemVideoHeight\":\"\",\"catItemAudioWidth\":\"\",\"catItemAudioHeight\":\"\",\"catItemVideoAutoPlay\":\"0\",\"catItemImageGallery\":\"0\",\"catItemDateModified\":\"0\",\"catItemReadMore\":\"1\",\"catItemCommentsAnchor\":\"1\",\"catItemK2Plugins\":\"1\",\"itemDateCreated\":\"1\",\"itemTitle\":\"1\",\"itemFeaturedNotice\":\"1\",\"itemAuthor\":\"1\",\"itemFontResizer\":\"1\",\"itemPrintButton\":\"1\",\"itemEmailButton\":\"1\",\"itemSocialButton\":\"1\",\"itemVideoAnchor\":\"1\",\"itemImageGalleryAnchor\":\"1\",\"itemCommentsAnchor\":\"1\",\"itemRating\":\"1\",\"itemImage\":\"1\",\"itemImgSize\":\"Large\",\"itemImageMainCaption\":\"1\",\"itemImageMainCredits\":\"1\",\"itemIntroText\":\"1\",\"itemFullText\":\"1\",\"itemExtraFields\":\"1\",\"itemDateModified\":\"1\",\"itemHits\":\"1\",\"itemCategory\":\"1\",\"itemTags\":\"1\",\"itemAttachments\":\"1\",\"itemAttachmentsCounter\":\"1\",\"itemVideo\":\"1\",\"itemVideoWidth\":\"\",\"itemVideoHeight\":\"\",\"itemAudioWidth\":\"\",\"itemAudioHeight\":\"\",\"itemVideoAutoPlay\":\"0\",\"itemVideoCaption\":\"1\",\"itemVideoCredits\":\"1\",\"itemImageGallery\":\"1\",\"itemNavigation\":\"1\",\"itemComments\":\"1\",\"itemTwitterButton\":\"1\",\"itemFacebookButton\":\"1\",\"itemGooglePlusOneButton\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorBlock\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorImage\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorDescription\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorURL\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorEmail\":\"0\",\"itemAuthorLatest\":\"1\",\"itemAuthorLatestLimit\":\"5\",\"itemRelated\":\"1\",\"itemRelatedLimit\":\"5\",\"itemRelatedTitle\":\"1\",\"itemRelatedCategory\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedImageSize\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedIntrotext\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedFulltext\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedAuthor\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedMedia\":\"0\",\"itemRelatedImageGallery\":\"0\",\"itemK2Plugins\":\"1\",\"catMetaDesc\":\"\",\"catMetaKey\":\"\",\"catMetaRobots\":\"\",\"catMetaAuthor\":\"\"}','*')
  • Heiko Palmer
  • Heiko Palmer's Avatar
28 Dec 2011 18:31 - 29 Dec 2011 12:19

After Installation failure unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR

Category: Frontpage Slideshow


I installed the Slideshow and then i got the failure :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /homepages/19/d34121408/htdocs/palmerweb/web2012/components/com_fpss/helpers/slideshow.php on line 435

What does it mean ?


and now one more big problem. I can't make an admin-login ????? :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /homepages/19/d34121408/htdocs/palmerweb/web2012/administrator/modules/mod_fpss_stats/mod_fpss_stats.php on line 49

Update :

Joomla-Version 1.5.25
PHP-Version 4.4.9
SQL 5.0.91
FPSS 3.0.5
Webserver Apache
Database utf8_general_ci
PHP Connect cgi-fcgi

Please help me. Thank you.
  • Koschny
  • Koschny's Avatar
21 Dec 2011 11:41
FPSS: can`t create new slides was created by Koschny

FPSS: can`t create new slides

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

i read the whole forum to find a solution to my error but i cant find any. So i hope you can help.

I bought the FPSS and installed it. When installing, i get the first error:
      * Es war nicht möglich die ausgewählte Datei zu kopieren!
        * JInstaller::install: Das Kopieren der Datei "/var/www/web1184/html/matesy/tmp/install_4ef1a8f84ea27/media/com_fpss/samples" nach "/var/www/web1184/html/matesy2/media/com_fpss/samples" ist fehlgeschlagen!

so it say: samples-folder cant be copied to com/fpss/samples....
folder rights are all given!

Then it say installation was correct. When i now try to create a new slide i get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getdate() in /var/www/web1184/html/matesy2/administrator/components/com_fpss/views/slide/view.html.php on line 33

categories can be created, but no new slides.

My joomla infos:
System Information
Check Result

Web server Apache
PHP version 4.4.9-0.dotdeb.1
MySQL version 5.1.57-1~dotdeb.0
GD Image library bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
Upload limit 38M
Memory limit 16M

Check Result

media/com_fpss Writable
cache Writable
Check Result

mod_fpss Installed
mod_fpss_stats (administrator) Installed

Can anyone give me a hint how to integrate the fpss to my site?

Best wishes and many thanks
  • Christoffer Geijer
  • Christoffer Geijer's Avatar
15 Dec 2011 12:24
No images after update to 3.0.5 was created by Christoffer Geijer

No images after update to 3.0.5

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

After updating to FPSS 3.0.5, the slide show is no longer displayed. I have checked the component and module settings. The category indicates 4 images (from before the update) but these are not listed under "images". The images are present in the "images" subdirectory in the com_fpss directory.

Trying to upload new images, I get the following error message:

FPSSSlide::store failed - Unknown column 'title' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `fac_fpss_slides` ( `id`,`title`,`catid`,`published`,`publish_up`,`publish_down`,`created`,`created_by`,`access`,`ordering`,`featured`,`featured_ordering`,`text`,`tagline`,`referenceType`,`referenceID`,`custom`,`hits`,`params` ) VALUES ( '0','New1','1','1','2011-12-15 10:16:00','0000-00-00 00:00:00','2011-12-15 10:17:13','978','0','5','0','','','Tagline','custom','','URL','0','useOriginal=\ntitle=\ntext=\ntagline=\ncategory=\nauthor=\nreadmore=\ntarget=\nliveData=\n\n' )

Can anyone advise what's wrong? Thank you very much in advance!
  • Veronique
  • Veronique's Avatar
13 Dec 2011 15:59

Joomla 1.7 uploaded version 2.5.4 admin goes blank

Category: English K2 Community


I uploaded succesfully the package but I am not able to log-in at the admin âges. No errors. Just a blank page.
I use a Joomart template with T3 enabled
When I look at the file structure, there are no K2 administrator modules available..
But in the database, tables were created.

The front end works fine but when I log-in at through the front end, I got an SSL protocol error..

Any ideas how to solve this issue?

Can anyone tell me where I can check the SSL settings directly in the sql database?


  • Alen
  • Alen's Avatar
08 Dec 2011 00:23
Replied by Alen on topic [SOLVED] Error in category view.. mysqli

[SOLVED] Error in category view.. mysqli

Category: English K2 Community

I had the same issue and i figure it out why it was showing a warning. What i did to resolve this issue was following. Check under K2 -> users and if u have users there that don't belong to any K2 user groups if so try creating a group and assign user to that group and the warning should go away.

Note that there are 2 columns "Joomla! Group" and "Group" u should look at the second one and if it's empty do the thing i mentioned and u should get rid of the warning.

Hope this helps.
Displaying 581 - 600 out of 788 results.

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