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  • Steven Palmer
  • Steven Palmer's Avatar
11 Nov 2013 20:32
Replied by Steven Palmer on topic [SOLVED] Error in category view.. mysqli

[SOLVED] Error in category view.. mysqli

Category: English K2 Community

Thanks Alen,

I made sure all of my users belonged to a K2 category and then cleared the Joomla cache and they were gone. I don't know if this will help anyone else but I had transfered alot of those users with SP Upgrade from a Joomla 1.5 site so I just opened then and saved them again and that seem to do the trick.

  • Anders Wigren
  • Anders Wigren's Avatar
03 Nov 2013 18:13
Install issue! was created by Anders Wigren

Install issue!

Category: English K2 Community

Following error code appears when installing K2 on Joomla 3.1.5

1146 Table 'wigrena_joomla.jom31_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `jom31_k2_categories`
  • Joshua L.
  • Joshua L.'s Avatar
02 Nov 2013 18:24
Installation issue was created by Joshua L.

Installation issue

Category: English K2 Community

Hi I tried to install K2 but this error message appeared

"Table 'brandyou_canan95.f8uth_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `f8uth_k2_categories"

what does it mean and how do i solve it? please help!

  • Mariak Bol
  • Mariak Bol's Avatar
01 Nov 2013 12:40
Replied by Mariak Bol on topic Error: 1064 after Joomla 3.0 to 3.1 upgrade

Error: 1064 after Joomla 3.0 to 3.1 upgrade

Category: English K2 Community

Hi can you help me solve this: I get, Error: 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY content.created DESC' at line 25 SQL=SELECT AS ID, AS cat_name, cats.alias AS cat_alias, content.catid AS cat_id, AS author, AS author_email, AS author_id, content_rating.rating_sum AS rating_sum, content_rating.rating_count AS rating_count FROM gg1qt_k2_items AS content LEFT JOIN gg1qt_k2_categories AS cats ON = content.catid LEFT JOIN gg1qt_users AS users ON = content.created_by LEFT JOIN gg1qt_k2_rating AS content_rating ON = content_rating.itemID WHERE ORDER BY content.created DESC
  • Dorothy Firsching
  • Dorothy Firsching's Avatar
31 Oct 2013 00:58
K2 v.2.6.7 Installation issue was created by Dorothy Firsching

K2 v.2.6.7 Installation issue

Category: English K2 Community

I am trying to install K2_v2.6.7 in Joomla 3.1.5.
I get an error that table prefix_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `prefix_k2_categories`

Any suggestions? I have successfully installed Akeeba Admin Tools, Akeeba backup, and JCE.

  • Nuno Costa
  • Nuno Costa's Avatar
29 Oct 2013 18:59
Replied by Nuno Costa on topic 500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error

Category: English K2 Community


I did purge but the problem continues.

Beside i have the site offline and development and therefore the Smart search should not have the need to be purged.

I spoke with the hosting service and they indicated me the following error message which, according to them refers to a problem of conflict with k2.
"Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer:"

To better illustrate the problem place the following link from a video I sent to the hosting service with a test in which the error appears.

Text error:

An error has occurred.
1114 The table 'snsp2_finder_tokens' is full SQL=INSERT INTO `snsp2_finder_tokens` (`term`,`stem`,`common`,`phrase`,`weight`,`context`,`language`) VALUES ('webtuga', 'webtuga', 0, 0, 0.4667, 3, '*')
  • Nuno Costa
  • Nuno Costa's Avatar
24 Oct 2013 17:25
Replied by Nuno Costa on topic 500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error

Category: English K2 Community


After activating the error message in the global settings the system started to indentificar the error as "error 1114 The table 'snsp2_finder_tokens' is full ". I searched the net and saw this error is related to the MySQL base.

Can you give me some suggestions.
  • Davor
  • Davor's Avatar
20 Oct 2013 14:06

how to convert k2 items to default joomla articles

Category: English K2 Community

sorry for bumping old topic but still nobody find a solution for this

so I'm using j3.1.5 and I want to move K2 items to joomla content
I'm unsuccessfully using this sql query command but no luck, what am I doing wrong?

insert into `ZZZ_content` (id, title, alias, catid, introtext, fulltext, created, created_by, created_by_alias, checked_out, checked_out_time, modified, modified_by, publish_up, publish_down, access, featured, hits, language) select id, title, alias, catid, introtext, fulltext, created, created_by, created_by_alias, checked_out, checked_out_time, modified, modified_by, publish_up, publish_down, access, featured, hits, language from `ZZZ_k2_items`

- where ZZZ is prefix
- error I get: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'fulltext, created, created_by, created_by_alias, checked_out, checked_out_time, ' at line 1
  • José Manuel
  • José Manuel's Avatar
17 Oct 2013 14:05
Error al guardar artículo was created by José Manuel

Error al guardar artículo

Category: Comunidad hispana oficial de K2

Cuando escribo un artículo en K2 y lo guardo, aparece el siguiente error:

500 - Ha ocurrido un error.
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 SQL=UPDATE `ynokj_finder_taxonomy_map` SET `link_id`='18',`node_id`='3' WHERE

¿Cómo puedo solucionarlo?.
  • Krikor Boghossian
  • Krikor Boghossian's Avatar
16 Oct 2013 14:51
Replied by Krikor Boghossian on topic K2_items database table constantly crashing site

K2_items database table constantly crashing site

Category: English K2 Community

Since web hosting is a delicate issue, I suggest you take a look at your server analytics and error logs.

And a spike in traffic can affect mySQL and if it crashes (due to traffic) it can lock tables. Since this is a widely used table (when users from Twitter are browsing the item) this can be the table that is locked.

To be perfectly honest I suggest you have your hosting provider take a look at this, report any possible spikes in traffic and check the server load. Maybe the VPS you have chosen does not fit your needs.
  • Lorien Melton
  • Lorien Melton's Avatar
12 Oct 2013 07:33
1054 error was created by Lorien Melton

1054 error

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

I have a few issues. In the backed I am trying to add a slide and want to link it via the Joomla Menu Item. However it only shows the first page of menu items and even if I click the paging to go to the next page it still stays on the first page. When I try to filter a menu item I get the following error:

Unknown column 'name' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT * FROM twlqj_menu WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE '%%' AND client_id = 0 AND id!=1 ORDER BY lft ASC

I'm not sure how to fix either one of these issues but hoping they are caused by the same thing. I am using Joomla 3.1.5 and Front Page 3.5.3
  • dibarto
  • dibarto's Avatar
11 Oct 2013 09:04
Problem Session ID was created by dibarto

Problem Session ID

Category: Free Joomla Templates


I have 2 time, problem with Session ID,

INSERT command denied to user ' ....'@'' for table 'dsvxi_session' SQL=INSERT INTO `dsvxi_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) VALUES ('58f06..37748764cd7e0f', 0, '13.0916')

I have login to phpmyadmin, and repair as suggest from Ms. Ziota..but i can not open my website with error message above.

Thanks in advance.
  • dibarto
  • dibarto's Avatar
08 Oct 2013 13:13
Replied by dibarto on topic nuModusVersus help

nuModusVersus help

Category: Free Joomla Templates

Dear Kaka Ziota,

Header already ok as your suggest, but after relogin I get error

SQL=INSERT INTO `dsvxi_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) VALUES ('4bf40dd8d9200e2d09ee7e24430f53a8', 0, '1381227129')

Please Help

  • Askmail 36
  • Askmail 36's Avatar
07 Oct 2013 02:56 - 16 Oct 2013 18:06
[SOLVED] K2 and JiFile search plugin was created by Askmail 36

[SOLVED] K2 and JiFile search plugin

Category: English K2 Community

Hi everybody!

i have a problem. I use JiFile to index the content of my pdf in the K2 articles.
but what i need to do, is to differentiate the results, depending
on whether the pdf is in an article featured or not.
If it is featured, remove the link to the pdf.

this is the code of the plugin:
  • cindy
  • cindy's Avatar
04 Oct 2013 11:32
Replied by cindy on topic [SOLVED] Error SQL


Category: English K2 Community

Thx, solved the problem
I've installed additonal categories for k2 and that caused the problem.

But Error is fixed now!
  • Yiota
  • Yiota's Avatar
04 Oct 2013 11:18
Replied by Yiota on topic [SOLVED] Error SQL


Category: English K2 Community

The k2_additional_categories table is from another extension called K2 additional categories. You can try upgrading it or you can ask the extension developer for support.
  • cindy
  • cindy's Avatar
04 Oct 2013 11:06
[SOLVED] Error SQL was created by cindy


Category: English K2 Community

When i want to add an item, i'm getting this error

SQL=SELECT `catid` FROM jos_k2_additional_categories WHERE `itemID` = {intval()}

I read there is somewhere a solution, but just don't find it on the forum,
anyone can help me?

  • Marylyn Brennan
  • Marylyn Brennan's Avatar
03 Oct 2013 21:38
server error was created by Marylyn Brennan

server error

Category: English K2 Community

Help!! I have this error and my host asked me to contact you Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND categories.published = 1 ORDER BY content.created DESC' at line 28 SQL=SELECT categories.title AS cat, AS ID, content.access AS access, categories.title AS cat, AS author_email, AS author, content_rating.rating_sum AS rating_sum, content_rating.rating_count AS rating_count, AS CID FROM rj2cb_content AS content LEFT JOIN rj2cb_categories AS categories ON = content.catid LEFT JOIN rj2cb_content_frontpage AS frontpage ON = frontpage.content_id LEFT JOIN rj2cb_users AS users ON = content.created_by LEFT JOIN rj2cb_content_rating AS content_rating ON content_rating.content_id = WHERE AND categories.published = 1 ORDER BY content.created DESC

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  • Oussama Shehab
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01 Oct 2013 12:08 - 01 Oct 2013 12:08
Error 1064 was created by Oussama Shehab

Error 1064

Category: English K2 Community

I am getting error 1064
All the categories are filled with items no empty ones.
joomla 3.1 and K2 2.6.7
This happens after I login to the frontend.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY content.created DESC' at line 25 SQL=SELECT AS ID, AS cat_name, cats.alias AS cat_alias, content.catid AS cat_id, AS author, AS author_email, AS author_id, content_rating.rating_sum AS rating_sum, content_rating.rating_count AS rating_count FROM mquf8_k2_items AS content LEFT JOIN mquf8_k2_categories AS cats ON = content.catid LEFT JOIN mquf8_users AS users ON = content.created_by LEFT JOIN mquf8_k2_rating AS content_rating ON = content_rating.itemID WHERE ORDER BY content.created DESC
  • web brand
  • web brand's Avatar
29 Sep 2013 10:56
Replied by web brand on topic big problem sql table!

big problem sql table!

Category: English K2 Community

hi I contacted support joomla xtc and told me (after analyzing the site) that the problem is the component and not them. I have written this "I visited your site and can see that the error is relates completely with the K2 component, surely in some point some of the tables of the K2 component was corrupted or deleted, I suggest contact to the joomlaworks team (the developers of K2) to solve that problem, also, on the forums of K2 surely you will get some instructions about that, surely is necessary just readd the missing tables."
Displaying 381 - 400 out of 788 results.