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Search Results (Searched for: Re Error SQL)

  • Cecile Bekker
  • Cecile Bekker's Avatar
02 Feb 2013 19:51
Upload Articles to Items again and got error! was created by Cecile Bekker

Upload Articles to Items again and got error!

Category: English K2 Community

Hi Guys,
Am a kamakazi when it comes to technical stuff -
I just trashed articles in Items that I uploaded from Article Manager to Items before
- I worked in Articles making changes to my pages so I thought to reload them into Items so they are updated - so trash the ones in Items and reloaded Articles from Joomla Article Manager ---
- NOW got this error....

Table 'simplype_joom137.jos_finder_types' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `id` FROM `jos_finder_types` WHERE `title` = 'K2 Item'

site link is
- not publish yet ...

Am very new to K2 but find it amazing! Please advice before I do to much damage to my site! Hosting company dont give 3rd party assistance!

  • danny leary
  • danny leary's Avatar
31 Jan 2013 06:48
Replied by danny leary on topic RSS Feed not working

RSS Feed not working

Category: English K2 Community

Here is an added point from some more use :)

The above method does work for a feed if needed. The only issue i found with the above script is that the date is not getting added correctly or changed to the correct pubDate rss format from the sql table. A big deal for mailchimps rss to email feature.

However after hours of trying to impplement a custom solution, i regressed back to seeing if i could fix the issue i was having with the k2 rss feature. In firefox i would get a subscription option but the page was empty. in chrome, thankfully it atleast parsed the text and i could see that items were indeed getting put into the xml, so what was going on. Mailchimp said that the feed was invalid.

so i went to see if Google feedburner could generate a feed from the blog's url. It of course found the k2 rss feed url path in the header. However, it did pass me an error "The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference." on line ten of my xml which the feed validator from showed was the description; which in k2 is taken from a metatag field. From an internet search it seems that this error is due to the '&' not being parsed correctly in my metatag description used to generate the rss' description. I found the metatag from whence the description came, changed '&' to 'and' and walla! The error went away, the feed validated, and mailchimp took it and it has the date correctly formatted which should trigger the auto email!

I sure the problems with xml and k2 that some have experienced might be due to various issues. But in my case with the latest k2 and joomla (2.5) the feed itself was good, just a bad character not getting dealt with well by the xml. Once this was fixed in the description, all was well. Which i am glad for. I learned much about rss, php, and xml when toying with all the tutorials, but there are just soooo many different ways of doing it and sadly, most of them just plain don't work :) at least without a lot of customization, trial and error.

Hopefully this helps some :)
  • Hairy Dog Digital
  • Hairy Dog Digital's Avatar
07 Jan 2013 13:29
32M memory limit in K2 ONLY? was created by Hairy Dog Digital

32M memory limit in K2 ONLY?

Category: English K2 Community

Hi all,

I am working on a site and having issues with K2 (v 2.5.7) item pages (in Joomla 2.5.6) intermittently presenting as blank empty pages.

When I check the server error log, I get the familiar, "PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted..."

The PHP memory on the server is set to 128M. I've confirmed this via a phpinfo() and via the Joomla back-end System Information.

When I look at the K2 system information in the backend it is reporting only 32M system memory.

I put a PHP statement of: echo ini_get('memory_limit') at the bottom of the site's template index.php page and at the bottom of the administrator/index.php page. On all components EXCEPT FOR K2, the statement output shows 128M. Whenever a K2 component is used -- either in the frontend or backend -- the statement output shows 32M.

I've been digging through all of the K2 coding (and the MySQL database) trying to find anything that may be causing this: .htaccess file, php.ini file, ini_set("memory_limit") in a php file. No luck.

Have anyone ever encountered this before? I'm scratching my head on this one.
  • kunle
  • kunle's Avatar
05 Jan 2013 02:02 - 05 Jan 2013 02:19
Replied by kunle on topic [SOLVED] Re: K2 front-end save and close

[SOLVED] Re: K2 front-end save and close

Category: English K2 Community

K2 v2.6.2
Php 5.3.10
MySQL 5.5.20
Joomla 2.5.8

I'm currently building a site offline using wampserver so after installing K2 I noticed neither 'Save & Close' nor 'Save & New' buttons worked in back-end.

Then in the JS error console (using firefox browser) I noticed these errors:


X ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined


X TypeError: $K2 is not a function

Since the system is not connected to internet I guessed the 'http' header for 'googleapis' might be the cause so here's what I did that fixed it:

Navagated to K2 Parameter i.e.
Parameters > Layouts & Views > CSS & JavaScript Settings > Backend jQuery & jQuery UI handling

By default it was set to 'Load a remote copy of jQuery & UI' so I switched this to 'Load a local copy of jQuery & UI' then saved the settings. Now the 'Save & Close' and 'Save & New' buttons works fine.

Went back to JS error console (using firefox browser) refreshed the screen and
'X ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined' and
'X TypeError: $K2 is not a function' errors are not shown anymore.

As soon as my site is developed & put on a hosting server I shall switch back to 'Load a remoted copy of jQuery UI to see If the error will return.
  • MJ
  • MJ's Avatar
27 Dec 2012 21:03
Replied by MJ on topic Can't upload image to the item/image

Can't upload image to the item/image

Category: English K2 Community

@Lefteris Kavadas: Thank you for your answer.

Here are my Settings, perhaps someone can give a hint on what it could be:

My test images:
image 1 - 800x600x24b JPEG (94,6kb) = 500 (Internal Server Error)
image 2 - 400x640x24b JPEG (80,8kb) = 500 Internal Server Error in 9 of 10
image 3 - 300x240x24b JPEG (67,5kb) = ok in 9 of 10

Joomla 2.5.8
K2 v2.6.2

all exist and have 777 (for test environment 'media' incl. all subfolders have 777)
/media (777 incl. all subfolders)
/cache (777)
/tmp (777)

My PHP settings:
PHP Version 5.3.8 (version 4 tested, same effect)
MySQL-Version 5.1.60-log
memory_limit 100M
upload_max_filesize 8M
max_execution_time 90
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
register_globals off
safe_mode off

Reloading (F5) helps sometimes.
Sometimes, 2 images (resolutions) are generated, but the rest do not and it stops

What can i do?

Newer than new is impossible .. :blink:

Many Thanks for your help, MJ
  • Peter Grube
  • Peter Grube's Avatar
23 Dec 2012 07:37
Replied by Peter Grube on topic Errors everywhere

Errors everywhere

Category: English K2 Community

Hi Antony,

For some reason K2 is not creating the User table in the database, hence the Table 'escapeforlife.vajxp_k2_user_groups' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT id AS value, name AS K2UserGroup FROM vajxp_k2_user_groups - error message.

By the looks of it, it's a file permissions problem, when I checked Joomla File permissions, It say's configuration.php file not writable, try changing that file permission to 666 then try reinstall.
  • Antony
  • Antony's Avatar
23 Dec 2012 05:53
Errors everywhere was created by Antony

Errors everywhere

Category: English K2 Community

Hi I need some help I can pm access details to Joomla Backend I have installed K2 but I can not create anything I get loads and I mean Loads of errors one of them is blow:-
TableK2UserGroup: :store failed
Table 'escapeforlife.vajxp_k2_user_groups' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `vajxp_k2_user_groups` (`id`,`name`,`permissions`) VALUES ('','Public','{\"comment\":\"1\",\"frontEdit\":\"0\",\"add\":\"0\",\"editOwn\":\"0\",\"editAll\":\"0\",\"publish\":\"0\",\"inheritance\":\"0\"}')

do I need to do a reinstall of Joomla?
  • Peter Grube
  • Peter Grube's Avatar
19 Dec 2012 12:04
Replied by Peter Grube on topic User choose K2 User Group during registration

User choose K2 User Group during registration

Category: English K2 Community

Hi Antonios,

The only way I could achieve this functionality was by using Community Builder to handle both the Registration & Profile but although the CB is free you need to purchase either their Conditionals plugin or alternately get the third party Community Builder Profile Pro which is able to create different profile types & Registration forms.

The only drawback is that although you can select different user types during registration, & K2 adds them to your list of users, it doesn't automatically add them to your K2 User Groups. So they cannot add items until you add them manually. Which in my case is ok, because I need to approve the users anyway.

While I am at it I thought I would ask for some feedback from the Admins here, this link mentions the same problem about syncing CB & K2 but it's over 2 yrs old, I am hoping I am missing something.

One last thing in the CB Forum has suggested work around for this but my PHP skills are limited & I am getting the dreaded white screen of death.

It says around line 957 begins the function "function saveRegistration( $option )", at the end of this function, before the "}" sign insert this code (it must be a part of the function) ...
Could someone point out where exactly is the end of this function.
  • Jim
  • Jim's Avatar
15 Dec 2012 00:15

Issues installing K2 2.6.2 with Joomla 2.5.7

Category: English K2 Community

I'm new to K2 but not to Joomla.

I had similar warnings upon installation of K2, and have set warnings to none. When I try to make a K2 category I get this failure error:
TableK2Category: :store failed
Table 'oabjlkyi_1721969.jos_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_k2_categories` (`id`,`name`,`alias`,`description`,`parent`,`published`,`access`,`ordering`,`params`,`language`) VALUES ('','News and events','news-and-events'... etc.

Any thoughts?
  • Samantha
  • Samantha's Avatar
11 Dec 2012 09:13
Replied by Samantha on topic Blank Page

Blank Page

Category: English K2 Community

mmmm, as soon as I enabled that, I got the following:

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/samprins/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 512

Strict Standards: Declaration of fancyboxClass::getHeaderLibrary() should be compatible with that of JAPopupHelper::getHeaderLibrary() in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/japopup/fancybox/fancybox.php on line 17

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/k2/k2.php on line 306

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/k2/k2.php on line 27

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/k2/k2.php on line 120

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/jalazyload/jalazyload.php on line 37

And then when I go to the comments area to check what error I get, I see nothing but this:

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/samprins/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 512

Strict Standards: Declaration of fancyboxClass::getHeaderLibrary() should be compatible with that of JAPopupHelper::getHeaderLibrary() in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/japopup/fancybox/fancybox.php on line 17

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/k2/k2.php on line 306

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/plugins/system/k2/k2.php on line 27

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/admin.k2.php on line 14

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/admin.k2.php on line 18

Strict Standards: Non-static method K2HelperPermissions::checkPermissions() should not be called statically in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/admin.k2.php on line 39

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/components/com_k2/helpers/permissions.j16.php on line 19

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/components/com_k2/helpers/permissions.j16.php on line 20

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/admin.k2.php on line 66

Strict Standards: Declaration of K2ControllerComments::display() should be compatible with that of JController::display() in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/controllers/comments.php on line 15

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/views/comments/view.html.php on line 21

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/views/comments/view.html.php on line 22

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/views/comments/view.html.php on line 40

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/views/comments/view.html.php on line 41

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/models/comments.php on line 65

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/models/comments.php on line 68

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/models/comments.php on line 21

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/samprins/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/models/comments.php on line 24

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 82 bytes) in /home/samprins/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 706

Any ideas?
  • Vivek Moorthy
  • Vivek Moorthy's Avatar
28 Nov 2012 02:42 - 28 Nov 2012 02:45
Issues installing K2 2.6.2 with Joomla 2.5.7 was created by Vivek Moorthy

Issues installing K2 2.6.2 with Joomla 2.5.7

Category: English K2 Community

Hi all,

I've seen a number of threads on google about this, but no definitive answers.

Here is the issue. I have a QuickInstall instance of Joomla 2.5.7 (HostGator). Nothing else is installed in the instance.

I'm getting the following error message on the install of K2.

Thank you for installing K2 by JoomlaWorks, the powerful content extension for Joomla!

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 375

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 375

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/tmp/install_50b57849205db/script.k2.php on line 212

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/tmp/install_50b57849205db/script.k2.php on line 233

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 375

I'm also getting similar errors with categories:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/administrator/components/com_k2/models/categories.php on line 80

and items:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 383

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 383

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 383

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/table.php on line 409

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/djtiger/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/html/select.php on line 504

Please advise at your earliest convenience. Thanks.
  • Johan Wedel
  • Johan Wedel's Avatar
26 Nov 2012 14:16
Replied by Johan Wedel on topic Fatal Error - please help

Fatal Error - please help

Category: English K2 Community

Thanks for info!

This is what the information screen is showing:
Web Server Apache/2.2.17 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/
PHP version 5.3.6
MySQL version 5.0.96-community-log
GD image library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
Multibyte string support Disabled
Upload limit 8M
Memory limit 32M
Open remote files (allow url fopen) Yes

I host my own server with WHM/cPanel, so not sure how to enable it. I will try the link you provided, but hope I dont screw something up :)
  • yoyo
  • yoyo's Avatar
18 Nov 2012 11:43
glossary and k2 was created by yoyo

glossary and k2

Category: English K2 Community

hello since I install the "glossary" when I want to save an article on k2 I get this "message 500 - An error has occurred
Column count does not match value count at row 1 SQL = INSERT INTO `` jnew_finder_tokens "

a solution?
thank you
  • Márcio Silva
  • Márcio Silva's Avatar
03 Nov 2012 17:04 - 03 Nov 2012 17:35
Replied by Márcio Silva on topic ERRO mysql.php on line 383 RESOLVED

ERRO mysql.php on line 383 RESOLVED

Category: Frontpage Slideshow


You are correct, are warning but to my customer is ERROR.
I get on installation Joomla 2.5

Hi  the problem was resolved

Only reinstalling of the component.

  • Katia
  • Katia's Avatar
01 Nov 2012 16:49
Replied by Katia on topic ERRO mysql.php on line 383 RESOLVED

ERRO mysql.php on line 383 RESOLVED

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

These are not errors but warnings. Where do you get these?
30 Oct 2012 18:13

[Solved] This is not an image file - ERROR!

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

Thanks for the fast reply. I have set the permissions correctly but here is what i get under the FPSS Information tab.
Web server nginx/1.1.19
PHP version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4
MySQL version 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1
GD Image library FPSS_DISABLED

do you know how I can enable the GD Image library ?

Thanks Again.
  • Lefteris
  • Lefteris's Avatar
30 Oct 2012 17:15
Replied by Lefteris on topic SQL syntax Error with K2

SQL syntax Error with K2

Category: English K2 Community

The query is not coming from K2 ( it's not present at K2 2.6.1). Probably other extensions are causing this. Search for K2 related extensions and try to disable them.
  • Tolulope Oyebola
  • Tolulope Oyebola's Avatar
29 Oct 2012 22:25
Replied by Tolulope Oyebola on topic SQL syntax Error with K2

SQL syntax Error with K2

Category: English K2 Community


Table prefix is very correct sir.
  • Kolio Kolev
  • Kolio Kolev's Avatar
27 Oct 2012 07:36

How to replace whitespace with dash in tag SEF URL

Category: English K2 Community


Last month I bought K2mart 2.0.2 and Simple Image Gallery Pro and have started to design an online shop.

I can't find information in documentation or forums, so I need your
help, please!

The website is running under the following software:
Apache 2.2.22
MySQL 5.0.92-50-log
PHP 5.2.17
Joomla 2.5.7
K2 2.5.7 (latest version 2.6.1 throws an error in product pages)
K2mart 2.0.2
Virtuemart 2.0.10f
Simple Image Gallery Pro (by JoomlaWorks) 2.5.8
XMap 2.2.1
Maximenu CK and more...

I have many tags consisted by 2 or even 3 words, but K2 generates me
SEF addresses with whitespaces in them. How could I swap these spaces
with dashes?

Example:обувки/мъжки/маратонки/itemlist/tag/Grand Attack.html

It should be:обувки/мъжки/маратонки/itemlist/tag/Grand_Attack.html

Thank you in advance!
  • Lefteris
  • Lefteris's Avatar
26 Oct 2012 16:39
Replied by Lefteris on topic SQL syntax Error with K2

SQL syntax Error with K2

Category: English K2 Community

Hi. Ensure that the table prefix is the correct one ( check this under Joomla! configuration).
Displaying 481 - 500 out of 788 results.